Occupational Therapy
Outpatient and Residential Services
Occupational therapy helps people of all ages to recover from injury, disability or illness and participate in activities of daily living. Occupational therapy practitioners practice from a holistic perspective, and actively integrate the client and their family in the therapy treatment plan. Occupational Therapists at the Lighthouse Neurological Rehabilitation Center may specialize in the neurological population, but are qualified to work with any person with a disability, injury, or illness. Occupational therapy services typically include:
Customized treatment programs to improve the ability to perform daily activities
Performance skills assessments, treatment and evaluation
Guidance and education for family members and caregivers
Upper extremity ailments
Comprehensive home and job site evaluations with adaptation recommendations
Vocational Training
Task and activity modification training
Aquatic therapy
Sensory Integration
Adaptive equipment recommendations and usage training

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