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Satisfaction Survey  

The Lighthouse recognizes the importance of eliciting feedback from key stakeholders to determine program strengths and areas needing improvement.  An annual survey is distributed to residents, guardians, case managers, outpatients, and staff, and the results of this survey are analyzed for trends and performance improvement opportunities. 


The results of the 2023 surveys were as follows: 


  • When residents were asked if they liked the home they were living in, 91% or residents with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), 90% of clients with behavioral health diagnosis (BH), and 50% of clients with a spinal-cord injury (SCI), and 100% of clients with other diagnoses responded favorably.

  •  92% of the residents who had a primary diagnosis of TBI or BH believed the clinical practices helped them, and they enjoyed their therapies.

  • 100% of the residents rated their overall service as excellent or very good.

  • 96% of outpatients indicated the therapy treatment that was provided was excellent.

  • 100% of case managers indicated they would recommend The Lighthouse to other case managers or family members.

  • 100% of family members/guardians indicated they were satisfied with information provided through the team meeting process.







Additional comments included in the survey results were as follows:


“I was happy with the services I received at Lighthouse, I arrived there in a wheelchair and after 4 weeks of therapy I walked out without any assistance the therapists were very helpful and professional, would have no problem recommending the Lighthouse for any outpatient therapy.”


“The Lighthouse employees are very knowledgeable and helpful to the patients. To me, it was very noticeable how the patient improved after a week."


“We Love the Lighthouse, they have helped us out when we needed them.”


“The Lighthouse staff is amazing and NEVER could imagine being anywhere else. EVERYONE is so helpful, and I am so appreciative!!! It is quite a team the Lighthouse has.”






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