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Highlighting our Adaptive Sports 
2022 Clinics 
Adaptive Kayak Clinic TC-page-0.jpg
Bikes for all meetup Flyer 2024-page-0.jpg

Due to Interlochen State Park being closed (2024) there will be no kyaking clinics. 

Join us and participate in the Lighthouse adaptive cycling and paddling clinics. We invite people of all abilities to come experience cycling and paddling with the use of adaptive equipment and modifications, as needed. Our clinics provide an opportunity to exercise, connect with people, socialize, and experience something new and fun! 


During this time you can meet the Lighthouse Rehabilitation Team! Meet members from our physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and several other therapists from different departments. They are there to assist our recreational therapists with all your needs. We look forward to meeting you!



  • Please note that a Recreation Passport is required for entry into the park.



  • If you would like to volunteer please complete and submit a volunteer form  to Olivia Heldt.



Thank you to our partners that helped make this experience possible: Michigan DNR Interlochen State Park,  Norte, Kayak Bike & Brew , Rehab & Mobility Systems 

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